EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

An elderly couple who have been doing some ‘DIY work’ on their Queenslander have failed to see the irony in some of their comments aimed at today’s youth, which goes to show that a lot of their negative comments are really just psychological projection. 

Recently purchasing a stunning Queenslander in the French Quarter, Richard (68) and Julie Pryer (66) have so far spent the last few months adding their ‘personal touches’ to their new home, likely as a result of them both having nothing to do.

This unfortunately has resulted in the pair painstakingly removing all the charm from the  home’s original features, including covering the hardwood floors in cream carpet, and painting over door knobs and exposed beams in harsh white paint. 

In particular, that specific shade of dulux white that boomers used to destroy heritage homes, known as ‘Lexicon.’

But according to them, it’s really the today’s youth that are disrespectful of older generations, as they no longer subscribe to the rules that younger people must suffer for an arbitrary amount of time before they are deserving of respect or dignity.

Nor are younger people blatantly putting up with disrespect from older people and instead choose to stand up for themselves – or ‘talking back’ according to Richard.

“Talking back, not listening, always thinking they know more than you”, says Richard, who only ever reads from one news source, “they don’t respect the older generation at all.”

“Anyway, I think I’ll paint these original press metal ceilings green.”

More to come.


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