EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A boomer has shown he truly gives absolutely no fucks today, by posting a series of salacious comments on an 18 year old girl’s bikini photo, straight from his public Instagram account.

Dale Howard or ‘Dhazz1962’, as he’s known as online, either has no comprehension of how social media works, which is unlikely, or has just reached that stage of life where he’s completely stopped giving a fuck about respecting his wife – who also happens to feature very heavily on his profile.

Oh, and photos of their children and grandchildren, who aren’t that much younger than the girl’s photo he just commented 👅💦on.

Still, Dale has gone his whole life without facing repercussions for his piggish behaviour and has no signs of slowing down, especially seeing as his emotionally disconnected wife has decided it’s best to turn a blind eye, lest she have to face the fact that her husband has the hots for women young enough to be his granddaughter.

More to come.


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