The child of a yuppie family has bravely revealed the personal hell he has been enduring under his parents.

Atticus Rolland (9) has today admitted that his parents only let him play with obscure artisanal toys made of high quality wood.

Even more cruel, the child has said that his parents only let him eat those really expensive organic chips that taste like cardboard.

The bombshell allegations came after Atticus spotted a group of working class kids his age roaring down the street on a hijacked E-bike with a family pack of twisties clenched in one of their hands.

“I want that. I need that. This is the life I truly desire” Atticus admitted.

The 9 year old has expressed a deep sadness with the fact that this unsupervised childhood is something he will never experience.

“Do you even know what I would do for a toy gun? It doesn’t even have to be a gun.. Just something shaped like a gun at least” 

The only child has admitted that he has never enjoyed the taste of a mainstream potato chip and he has been forced to choose between difficult to chew ‘Protein’ chips, or bright red Beetroot chips.

“Just once I wish mum would let me get a normal pack of chips.”


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