As another major sporting code prepares to do a Grand Final a little bit differently, the hosts of the NRL decider have issued an interesting plea.
Following in the footsteps of Perth Mayor Basil Zempilas, Queensland has called on fans to rise to their feet in a special Grand Final tribute.
However, rather than applaud the rest of the nation in some weird tribute, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has called on Queenslanders to boo for the whole of the 20th minute.
“Given what they’ve done to this country and our tourism sector, I think it’s appropriate we send them a message to know we want them to be better,” said Palaszczuk this morning.
“They should know how badly they’ve fucked this whole thing, and they should think long and hard about it inside their filthy homes,” she said.
Her comments come after the Lord Mayor of Perth asked West Australians to stand up and applaud the rest of the country (who they hate) during the AFL Grand Final.
The plea was hammered online, with barely a murmur heard during the proposed minute of applause, and the more Eastern States asking Perth to just do their own thing.
However, in Queensland, it’s believed the calls for noise might be heard.
“Give em a spray, this shouldn’t be the first time we’ve had a Grand Final up here either,” said Anna.
“Make some noise Queensland.”
More to come.