After a sensational day of cricket in Leeds, the English cricket team have been reminded about one of the oldest phrases in the sport.

Catches win matches.

The timeless saying was particularly apt yesterday, with England fielding like a bunch of teenagers who’ve been scraping their fingers in the vasoline.

Big buttery wicket keeper Johnny Bairstow was particularly butter fingered, putting down two good chances.

Fellow Yorkshireman on his home ground Joe Root also put down three chances, eventually holding onto one which he pegged into the ground at the end of Australia’s innings.

Following the carry on of the entire English cricketing team and nation after Day 5 at Lords, the Poms have been informed that maybe they should have a look into the ‘spirit of catching.’

Rather than spend days moaning about the spirit of cricket because they are sore losers, it’s been confirmed that catching is a big part of the spirit of cricket.

“Yeah, dropping a guy like Mitch Marsh on 18, before the Bison goes on to make another 100 more isn’t ideal if you want to win games of cricket,” explained one Australian cricket fan today.

“Maybe a little more time practicing cricket and a little less time sooking could be good for them.”

More to come.


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