ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

English people heading out to the game tonight in Sydney will be given the chance to enjoy a taste of home after Accor Stadium agreed to let them eat out of any bin for just $7.50.

Accor Stadium’s management told The Advocate that they wanted to make English fans feel at home tonight as they take on our Matildas in a do-or-die clash for a spot in the World Cup Final.

“We know that English people typically dislike fresh ingredients and food that has been prepared on the same day they eat it,” said the stadium’s management in a short statement today.

“While we will have the fan favourites such as meat pies, sausage rolls and hot dogs, we have a new item on the menu just for English people.”

For just $7.50, English fans will be allowed to take food out of any bin in the stadium complex and consume it wherever they like.

“We noticed that last week when England played Colombia here at Homebush, we received feedback about our food options from England fans that we were disappointed about. One fan expressed disappointment that the meat pies offered at the stadium did not contain any horse meat. We saw ” said Accor.

“So in response, we have left the bins all week in anticipation for tonight’s game. English fans are welcome to help themselves to anything in them, they just need to go to the bar first and pay.”

Sydney-based England fan Joanna Ross has applauded Accor’s inclusive menu for tonight’s match, explaining to our reporter that eating things out of the bin is a British as King Charles or falling victim to knife crime in Middlesbrough.

“It’s just so great,” she said.

“I love my lager, love my menthol cigarettes, love my job in recruitment, love eating things out of the bin and love my Lionesses! Go England!”

More to come.


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