A post-war Australian man who knows everything about the state of the world but seemingly nothing about modern history has this week had to do the unimaginable:

Changing his opinion after being presented with new information.

Because it turns out that Algerian boxer wasn’t actually transgender.

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach on Saturday confirmed there “was never any doubt” that Imane Khelif was a woman who had every right to compete as a boxer at the Paris Olympics.

This puts Denan in a hard place, because he’s already isolated so many loved ones with his derogatory remarks about a fictional situation that he so badly wishes was real.

After first being brainwashed into thinking that a drag interpretation of a Greek Bacchus feast during the Opening Ceremony was making fun of his half-hearted Christian beliefs, Denan Klagg (67) has been as susceptible as ever to outright misinformation throughout the duration of the 2024 Olympics.

It seems that his boomer victimhood, paired with a stream of completely unregulated and highly emotive social media algorithms, has made him a sitting duck for the culture wars that distract everyday citizens from the fact that the planet is burning and billionaires don’t pay tax.

In fact, as of 24 hours ago, it even got to the point where Denan was fully prepared to believe that the strict Muslim nation of Algeria, which is located in Maghreb region of North Africa, and is home to a 99% Sunni Muslim population, would send a trans athlete to an Olympic games hosted by their mortal enemies.

The 25-year-old Algerian boxer has spent this entire last week at the centre of a humiliating pile on from the internet’s most vocal anti-Trans zealots, who had decided that she was not a woman.

However, this has proven to be outright misinformation, which appears to be the only form of ‘news’ that people like Denan are taking in anymore.

Khelif has since guaranteed herself a medal in the subsequent rounds that followed her 20 second defeat of the Italian woman that started this binfire.

She has dedicated her Olympic performance to the late Moustafa Mousa, the first Algerian to win an Olympic medal after the nation fought claimed independence from their French colonisers in 1962.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune congratulated Khelif on her win in a post on X, writing: “You have honoured Algeria, Algerian women and Algerian boxing.

“We will stand by you no matter what your results are. Good luck in the next two rounds.”

Denan can now only hope that this fake news story, that he has greatly contributed to spreading like wildfire, disappears quietly.

In the meanwhile, he wants to know why nobody is talking about the fact that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t even really black!


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