The Brisbane Lions are embracing its first grand final week since 2004 with just three players having the Grand Final experience prior to this weekend.

But the club itself has been here before. Ane of the most successful AFL clubs of the 2000s, the Lions appeared in four consecutive grand finals from 2001 to 2004, and winning three premierships (2001, 2002, 2003).

And this weekend could mark the fourth flag. If our mighty boys from Woolloongabba can take down the Collingwood Magpies.

With the Broncos also making it all the way to Sunday’s NRL grand final against Penrith, this weekend could be a festival of sporting glory – and Queenslanders from all walks of life are getting behind the political-neutral Lions.

In fact, the Sunshine State is so caught up in the excitement of snatching victory from the Victorians that they’ve even made a promise to Aussie Rules fans and players.

If Queensland can win their fourth AFL premiership, the people from Queensland will join them in the 21st century and will do their best to stop ridiculing people for enjoying different types of football.

Furthermore, they’ve also promised to not resort to casual homophobia if they do.

In what is being described as most progressive shift in LGBTI rights since the marriage equality plebescite, Queenslanders from all end of the state have vowed to stop saying ‘GayFL’ when referring to Aussie Rules.

“This is big” says former Prime Minister and openly Lions man, Kevin Rudd.

“Never thought I’d see the day”

“Queenslanders are effectively saying that if the Lions win a fourth Premiership, then that means AFL is mainstream enough in Queensland for them to not call it gay”

“I’m not sure if they’ll be retiring this outdated slur for the right reasons, but as a Queensland Labor politician who supports AFL, I’m used to to celebrating the small wins!”

“Carn you mighty Lions!!”



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