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A local Sky News hack has today revealed to The Advocate that he’s had just about enough of the woke brigade trying to cancel everything.
This comes after the Netball Australia/Hancock Prospecting saga rolls on for another day, with News Corp commentators relishing in the opportunity to get a few more free clicks and views.
The saga follows players raising issue with the fact that Hancock Prospecting supremo Gina Rinehart’s old man Lang, called for the nation of Australia to implement a state sanction genocide less than 40 years ago – something which she has never condemned or distance herself from.
“It’s just madness, people refusing to take money from billionaire mining magnates who got rich off pillaging the country at will and advocated for genocide?” explained the prominent culture vulture after Hancock Prospecting pulled its sponsorship of Netball Australia.
“I mean where does it end?”
“You can’t say anything good about the Holocaust anymore? Or Rwanda? Or Myanmar?” apparently furious that people are condemning comments about destroying entire races.
“This is the slippery slope we tried to warn you all about.”
“And our descent into a PC dystopia is now inevitable.”
“All of your kids are being brainwashed into being trans by schools. You can’t be white anymore. And lord forgive you respect our hisotrical figures.”
“This is what people wanted, and now they’ve got it,” he finished, seemingly comparing a sporting negotiation to the end of days.
“I hope you are happy.”
More to come.