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In some breaking news out of Rugby Australia’s Headquarters, the eagle has landed!
The eagle, being the gun marketing pigeon hired to promote the Wallabies and the game at large across the country.
The newly hired Marketing Pigeon who got a foot in the door because of his brilliant CV, and the fact that he is related to a former Wallaby and attended an elite GPS school in Sydney’s Lower North Shore, had to make a mad scramble to get to his computer this afternoon.
After spending the morning picking at some seed an elderly man was throwing out in Sydney’s Hyde Park and browsing through David Jones for some new cuff links, the pigeon said he hot-winged it into the office after remembering the team might get named for the Wallabies biggest game in 4 years.
“It’s all good. No one else was even in the office so no one noticed that I almost missed the team announcement,” cooed the ruffled pigeon.
“They were all out at a long lunch or something, so I managed to quickly get about my work mocking up something we can post when they name the team to take on the English in the Quarter Finals this weekend,” said the pigeon who has only posted a couple of things across the entire week.
“Maybe I’ll have a look at running an ad on Facebook and Instagram as well,”
“Or maybe not, I think there’s some Classic Wallabies match on, I’ll just do a post about that instead.”