A stranger who looks like he usually takes pretty good care of himself appears to have snapped – and now feels needs to buy some recreational drugs bro.

This is what several youths were confronted with last night at the Betoota Downs train station, when they were approached out of the blue by an extremely muscular man with a beardline that has obviously been faded by an expert barber.

The youths, who were on their way back home from a school band performance, say they felt sorry for the man.

The fact that he was trying to buy drugs from strangers at an index train station on a weeknight suggests he’s not really familiar with this scenario.

His clearly rigorous weights training, and penchant for strong cologne, only added to the theory that this man was in crisis.

However, his mid-tier quick-dry sportswear and muscular frame suggests that this well-groomed stranger may have the street smarts required to buy drugs without getting ripped off.

The students, who were the complete opposite demographic of who this man should have been approaching for an illegal drug deal, enquired further. Hoping they could help him out in some way.

Without judgement, the youths asked the stranger what specific drugs he was looking for.

The man said “basically anything bro” – and said he would be keen to buy anything from “some pot, or E” but would prefer some “charlie”.

This was not something the kids could help him with, but suggested he go further into the local business precinct to ask around, and maybe not stand on a fairly well-light public railway station with cameras everywhere.

“Yeah righto” sneered the man, as if the youths were lying to him – as he placed his hand on the enormous flashlight attached to his belt and shook his head at someone in the distance.


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