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Prime Minister Anthony Albanese remains steadfast in his decision to blow up Parliament if they shitcan his Housing Bill again.

All Senators and Members will be up for re-election if Albo pulls the double dissolution lever, which has put the fear of God into the crossbench that’s currently putting up the legislative roadblock.

In his weekly strategy call with The Advocate’s newsroom, Albo explained that he’s not worried about the result of a double dissolution election because he trusts Australians to see this situation for what it is.

“The Greens want this Housing Bill to include things like the abolition of negative gearing. Yeah, that’s not happening because I’m not going to move the goalposts on ordinary Australian families that’ve invested in property. Sorry. This Bill works best for nobody but will suit everybody” he said.

“But just you watch. You threaten The Greens with losing their job and having to go back to the real world and they’ll freak out. They say they want to negotiate with the Government, guess what, the Government doesn’t want to negotiate with The Greens. When they’re up for re-election, you watch them fight and squabble over who gets what position on the ballot. Every single one of them, bar that little freak from Brisbane, are about as deep as a puddle of piss behind a pub and as transparent as service station toilet paper. At least that Max has some conviction and enjoys putting the dog up me. Reminds me of a young me,”

“Anyway, you just watch. The prospect of losing their Chairman’s Lounge pass and not being able to service the mortgage on their investment properties will get those Greens into line. If I call a DD, it’s Payman gone. Babet gone. Tammy Tyrell gone. Rennick gone. Thorpe gone. David Van gone. Malcolm Roberts gone. Probably a few Greens go, too. David Pocock would probably get back in, though,”

“Do you think I’d even be considering doing this if we hadn’t already done the numbers? I don’t actually give a fuck.”

More to come.


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