EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A couple expecting a bundle of joy in a couple of months are reportedly having a hard time coming up with a unique baby name, that’s not only an extension of their personality but also reflects how creative and quirky they are.

Explaining that they’re not looking for a ‘something you could easily find on a keychain,’ Ava and James McCrae admit they’ve  exhausted themselves silly trying to think of a name, and have decided to instead put the search on pause for now by giving the baby the temporary name, ‘Lorem Ipsum’ – a  Latin placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and print.

Speaking to The Advocate, Ava explains the lore behind the name.

“I work in publishing and James is in graphic design, so the name just kind of worked”, explains Ava, “so we’ve been referring to him as our little baby Lorem for the past month.”

“Unfortunately I think it’s starting to stick.”

Ava says she’s a little bit uneasy about calling her kid a name that literally translates to ‘pain itself’, but that she might be able to get away with it if she makes Ipsum the middle name.

“Who knows, maybe it’ll catch on.”

More to come.


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