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A local bloke has found himself bewildered by his asian mates’ endurance, after discovering he would be attending yet another rave in an undisclosed location this weekend.

Speaking to The Advocate, Sydneysider Nick Lewis, 32, says he was shocked to discover that his mate Chad would be off pinging again this weekend, having somehow being able to navigate the perfect balance of exceeding at his job, doing powerlifting, and getting churning through 2,500 calories worth of dancing every weekend.

“Every time I look at his Instagram story, he’s at another bloody rave”, says Nick, managing to look both concerned and very impressed, “he goes fucking hard for hardstyle.”

“…trance, EDM.”

“He goes with all his buff mates and all these obscenely hot chicks.”

“I don’t know where he gets the energy from?”

More to come.


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