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A proverbial bachelor has this week proved that there are no limits to how disgusting he can be, after a hookup spotted an absolute travesty lurking beneath his pillowcase.

It’s alleged Jamie Wray [28] had agreed to a few drinks with a girl from Tinder and had managed to sway the lucky lady into coming home with him for a night of unbridled passion, cuddling and a post coital dnm, which likely would have led to them reconciling again in the future.

However, the perfect night soon descended into a horror show the morning after, when the girl in question [Mia] had turned around for a cuddle and spotted Jamie sleeping on what appeared to be a shit stained pillow peeking from between his pillow case.

Trying to contain her scream as she gently tried to extricate herself from Jamie’s arms, Mia was unfortunately unable to make a swift exit – as the small movement caused his eyes to fly open.

“Hmmmm where you going?” he muttered in a sleepy haze.

“Oh ummm, I have breakfast with a girlfriend.”

“Sorry, slept in way too late haha, I’ll text you though!”

It’s unknown exactly how Jamie’s pillow got that fucking disgusting, but he either has the same pillow from childhood or some sort of disease that causes him to leak out of every orifice.


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