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Local bloke Ryan Lang has today been shocked to discover how old Samuel L Jackson is, after he and his girlfriend decided to watch Marvel Studios’ Secret Invasion.

Sprawled on the couch on a frosty Saturday evening, the two had bickered slightly over what movie to pop on, before deciding on the latest Disney+ series – which, Ryan reckons is essentially ‘ like the game Among Us, but with lizard people.’

“Okay, so earth has been invaded by shapeshifting skrulls”, he explained, bringing Tara up to date with the Marvel lore, “and a lot of them are assuming positions of power.”

“It’s got that actress you like, you know, the dragon queen.”

“And of course, Nick Fury.”

Nodding along enthusiastically, Tara says she’s seen the trailer and it looks pretty cool, but she doesn’t know ‘how on earth Samuel L Jackson is still able to do all those stunts at his age.’

“What do you mean ‘his age?’ He’s only 50”, scoffed Ryan, “that’s not geriatric babe.”

Letting out a condescending chuckle, Tara informs him that Samuel L Jackson is the same age as his grandad.

“No he’s not”, laughs Ryan, “there’s no way he’s in his mid seventies.” 

“No w- oh well I’ll be damned, he’s 74?”


More to come.


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