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A local bloke who has spent the majority of his 20s indulging in the most hedonistic behaviour possible has now found himself facing the milestone of embarking on a new chapter of his life, where his unhealthy dopamine addiction is replaced with a slightly healthier one.

Jack Schloss, 31, admits this decision came after realising how high his base line for dopamine had become, and that his party lifestyle was starting to become a little less fun, and a lot more anxiety inducing.

Having wasted yet another Sunday feeling like absolute dogshit, Jack says he think ‘it might be time.”

“It’s funny, I used to make fun of the party people who would suddenly turn their lives around”, admits Jack, “but now I’m becoming one of them.”

“Like I’ve done everything that needs to be done, you know?”

“I’m at that age where I can predict how eveything’s going to go, and it’s just not that exciting anymore.”

Jack says he now has the option to choose one of three paths, if he really wants to turn his life around – Getting into spirituality, which involves swapping booze for meditation, ayahuasca, weed and woo woo stuff like colloidal silver and reiki cleansing – an exercise addiction, which involves revolving his entire life around running, the gym, and judiciously tracking his macros – or becoming a born again christian.

“I’m leaning towards spirituality or exercise addiction, maybe even a combination of the two”, says Jack, “you know, replacing alcohol with edibles, and getting ripped as fuck.”

“I do need some kind of narcotic, I think.”

“I can’t raw dog this life dude.”

More to come.


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