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Betoota Heights man Gregory Poon is a hat guy.
He wears a hat everywhere.
More often than not, he wears them backwards.
But what really gets his mother and grandmother’s goat is the fact that he often wears his stupid hat backwards while indoors.
The 29-year-old muscleman is either an idiot, which his mother says is entirely plausible – or he’s just an idiot going bald very quickly.
“As an infant, he’d drink or eat anything he got his hands on,” said his Mum, who kept her maiden name when she married Peter Poon because his last name, in her words, is ‘shithouse’.
“Everything from a glass of wine to a pot of varnish his father left out when he did the deck back in 1993. We’d rush him to the hospital and everything and the doctors would pump the living Christ out of his little tum tum but as he grew older, we could tell some of the stuff he consumed had fucked with his brain a bit,”
“Now he wears his hat backwards everywhere he goes. He wears his hat inside and is rude to me and his grandmother when we tell him to take it off. In my brother said what he says to our mother growing up, he would’ve got flogged with a motorbike chain until he stopped moving. Things were different back then and young men showed respect to themselves and the people around them! Take me back!”
More to come.