EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

Looking up from her laptop screen as her boyfriend enters the front door, Dana Reid can be heard taking a sharp intake of breath.

And by the sheepish look on his face, he knows he’s fucked up. 

Big time.

“What have you done?”, Dana whispers, clasping a hand to her mouth in shock, “Blake, why!?”

Blake has the gall to look confused, but he knows exactly what he’s done wrong. 

His hair, which had just reached the perfect length after he impulsively shaved it off four months ago, has been transformed into a mullet. And not one of those posh boy mullets either – a full blown AFL cut.

“Nah it was getting too long”, mutters Blake, running a hand through what was left of his hair, albeit a bit self consciously, “it was getting in the way.”

“It’ll grow back.”

More to come.


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