With the family home now nothing but a bare space of settling dust, it appears that the Christmas festivities are officially over for 2018.

If it wasn’t the fact that every single bed in the house is now stripped, or the fact that mum is currently googling fitness regimes, the most obvious way of telling that Christmas is over is watching dad refuse himself a sleep in.

With the chilling sounds of crushed glass ringing out through the street, dad has taken it upon himself to declare the fun times officially over.

“What are you still doing in bed?!” he asks literally every other member of the immediate family who has taken issue with his need to drag 40 kilograms of empty bottles past every bedroom window in the house.

“You’re missing the best part of the day laying in bed like that at 7:02 AM”

With the underwhelming Melbourne test nowhere near entertaining enough to hold dad’s attention for longer than thirty minutes, it seems that dad has started to have a poke around the shed. The family look on suspiciously.

As he throws a jerry can into the back seat of his work car, it is all but confirmed that they will be graced with the sound of the lawn mower for the rest of the afternoon.


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