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One of The Advocate’s esteemed sales account coordinators, Kevin Overell, nephew of editor Dr. Clancy Overell OAM, is reportedly eyeing off the six leftover RUOK Day cupcakes in the breakroom fridge at the moment.

Despite being frozen and defrosted multiple times, Kevin says “he has low blood sugar” and needs something to bring him back to life after going hell for leather on the stair machine at No Time Fitness Betoota Heights this morning.

Witnesses on the sales room floor have confirmed Kevin, known for his charm and illiteracy, was spotted lingering near the fridge around 9am. He opened the box, looked inside and smiled to himself.

“Yeah, I saw him peeking into the fridge, and he had that look. Like he was about to do something real dumb,” said Jess Daley, editor of the paper’s print edition fashion lift-out, Sywetshop.

“I mean, those cupcakes have been sitting there since Thursday morning. Early. They got left on the back door step at 5am. Murray from the print room brought them in when he got here. He would’ve had 10 of them, too, before anyone got here,”

“And God knows when they were made. They were probably bulk made last week then frozen. You’d be better off eating the dish sponge now.”

The cupcakes were initially consumed in the spirit of RUOK Day. Colleagues facetiously asked one another if they were OK. Everyone was OK. One or two at a time, maximum. But Kevin, clearly not bound by such social norms or cues, appears ready to inhale all six in a single sitting.

“I’ve seen Kevin eat before,” said a concerned editor Dr Overell, son of Sir Montgomery Overell MC and chairman of The Advocate’s group owner, 白猪出版社 Pty Ltd.

“He’s done a whole six pack of Mi Goreng in one sitting, for lunch on a Tuesday. He used the mixing bowl from God’s sake.”

With the clock ticking, many are predicting a rough afternoon for the young intern.

“Someone should check in on him,” said Jess.

“Because after six stale cupcakes, I don’t think Kevin’s going to be OK.”

More to come.


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