ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A local man sought answers this morning and got one he didn’t expect.

Rutger Turner discovered this week that despite nothing really changing in his local area, the cost of insuring his home and contents has somehow tripled. He told The Advocate that he thought it’d must been an error, so he decided to make time today to give his insurer, Diamantina Risk & Agricultural Supplies, a quick call.

The good people at Diamantina Risk were able to spell it out for him.

“Mate, it’s the conflict in Palestine and/or the one that’s been going on in Ukraine for a few years now,” said the call centre employee.

“It’s wreaking havoc in the insurance world. Our global parent company has done their arse over there apparently so they need to claw it back from somewhere. Might as well be from people like you who take out bushfire and flood coverage despite living in the middle of the Simpson Desert,”

“But yeah, mate, short answer is global conflict is making your insurance premium go up. As to why, I’m not sure.”

Rutger nodded and said he understood.

“Well Rutger, because you’ve been such a loyal customer with us, we’re prepared to offer you a 2.5% discount on your contents policy if you sign on now with your automotive insurance but only if it’s comprehensive cover. Would you like to upgrade to comprehensive on your… 2010 VE Commodore Omega?”

Letting out a long sigh, Rutger said ‘yes’ because his Commodore’s check engine light has been on solid now for two weeks. He scanned it and unfortunately, his mechanic said it’s the timing chains.

“Great! Well, that’ll just be an extra $2200 today and there’s a 60 day no claim period so don’t go and torch the cunt like I think you’re planning to do. We don’t insure Captivas anymore for that specific reason. We insure them and then they spontaneously combust.”

More to come.


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