A couple of young trailblazers have today spoken to The Advocate about navigating the modern world.

In a sit down with our humble regional newspaper young parents Hugo and Isla have given an eye-opening insight into raising kids in a day and age where misinformation is rife, and education is politicised.

Living on some acreage on the edge of Betoota Heights, the young pair of truth-seekers say they made the decision to home school their kids a few years ago – after deciding they didn’t like what was being taught in the curriculum.

“They were trying to indoctrinate our kids, and I just couldn’t let that happen,” said Hugo, who has made the decision to isolate his children from the outside world and ensure they only hear his and his very nuclear family’s point of view on things.

“So we made the decision to educate them ourselves,” said Isla, who like Hugo, has no formal education or educational training.

“We just think we are in the best position to give them a proper education, not just some generic copy cutter babysitting,” continued Isla, who also doesn’t believe in organised or team sport.

When asked about the government funding the family receives to give their kids a shit education because the parents have resolved any of their own issues, the couple laughed.

“Oh that has nothing to do with it, we just don’t need our kids being bludgeoned with false narratives,” said Hugo, who has convinced his children about numerous theories that have no grounding in fact.

“So we are doing what’s best for them, not us.”

More to come.


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