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Things are looking up as Australian Covid-19 numbers decline and delivery company CouriersPlease finally getting round to sending you that Facemask you ordered back in July.

Despite only having a 1.3 star rating on Google, CouriersPlease process packages and mail for millions of Australians, with some even making it to the recipients’ front door.

And for Betoota based admin worker Delores Vaughn (24), they have finally delivered her a facemask that will protect her from a pandemic that has slowly become a lot less intrusive where she lives.

“I’m glad it arrived, finally,” stated Vaughn as she admired her leopard print facemask that had travelled for so long to get to her.

“They didn’t even deliver it to the door, I had to go to the newsagents in another suburb. I impulse bought footy cards, it was a whole thing.”

The practice Vaughn is describing involves couriers either deliberately or intentionally not delivering the item to your front door but to a separate business that you then have to go to as if you are now a courier too.

Vaughn also states she is waiting on the arrival of workout gear, two podcast microphones and a sourdough starter from Naples.

According to a CouriersPlease courier, who has predictably asked to remain anonymous, he told people to take the issue up with the large company that doesn’t pay properly and is incredibly understaffed.

“You try and do the job and see how you go,” he said before tossing a package over a fence into a backyard and driving off.


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