ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A local Baby Boomer with a penchant for baked goods has sighed long and hard this afternoon after his workplace felt it pertinent to serve up gluten-free hot cross buns this Easter.
“Why?” he asked himself.
For some reason, The Advocate‘s sales and subscription team leader purchased a round of gluten-free hot cross buns for her department to enjoy, using a company card.
That means Arthur White, the executive vice president of sales here at our humble inland newspaper, and other gluten-tolerant people in that department were forced to eat a lesser product.
The polite and largely charming 67-year-old got the lift up to the editorial department this afternoon to speak to our reporter about the disappointment he experienced upon seeing the ‘depressing’ Easter treats.
“They taste like cardboard,” he said, banging his inverted tobacco pipe our reporter’s desk.
“And for what? So some self-diagnosed yuppie can indulge while the rest of us get left out of the gluten party? Errol, do you think this is fair?”
As the leader of the sales and subscription team is Ping Wei Overell, wife of The Advocate’s editor Clancy Overell, our reporter had to agree that it was totally OK for her to buy gluten-free treats for her team.
“I thought you’d say that,” said Arthur.
“So I brought you one up.”
With an absolutely earth-shattering cough, Arthur reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a crumpled hot cross bun.
“Have a taste.”
Our reporter had a taste and agreed with Arthur that is was ‘depressing’ and did have a ‘cardboard-like’ taste but he was powerless to stop it from happening again.
Arthur stood up and walked to the door.
More to come.