EExcerpt from Senator Derryn Hinch’s interview with ERROL PARKER in The Advocate’s weekend liftout, In The Lignum.
When Derryn Hinch sat down with a preference whisperer back in 2014, he had a dream.
That dream was to start his own crime fighting organisation, which was later realised after being elected to the Federal Red Room on his eponymous Justice Party ticket.
But, it seemed, the rules and regulations that stifled his thirst for Justice during his career in commercial radio and journalism had followed him into politics.
“There’s just so much bullshit one has to wade through in Canberra to get something done,” said Hinch.
He rocked back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling.
“It’s full of bastards, you know. Canberra. Not the kind of bastards you find running around a regional Kmart, but the ones Hunter S Thompson was writing about at the end of The Rum Dairy,”
“The people who practice trickle-down truth. I seek to protect the vulnerable, to seek Justice. Whatever the cost.”
That cost, by the looks of things, comes in the form of a semi-automatic Glock 20 pistol that Derryn says he needs to own if he’s going to be able to dish out the type of Justice that’s in his heart.
During our interview, Senator Hinch unloaded then reloaded his firearm in front of our reporter to let everybody know he wasn’t fucking around.
“I called it the Justice Party for a reason. If all else fails, I’ll put the bastards down myself! Look at me! In the eye, damn you!”
“I’ll put this fucking Glock to a bastard’s temple and pull the trigger. I’ll even sit in the gutter and wait for the cops. I’ve been to prison before, I can fight. I’m not afraid. The light of Justice dies in the shadow of fear.
Read Senator Hinch’s article in full The Weekend Advocate‘s news, arts and current affairs liftout, In The Lignum.
More to come.