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Local and state government workers in Betoota are preparing to down tools this afternoon until the end of the month as nearly all of them have opted to take the full 10-days over Easter.
The French Quarter office of the Queensland Crown Solicitor’s Office will be empty over the break – except for David Pooley.
And that’s resulted in the 28-year-old being bullied by his
Because they were already doing fuck all this afternoon, a number of David’s coworkers took time out of their busy afternoon of being a bureaucratic and economic handbrake on society to speak to The Advocate about David and his penchant for giving taxpayers what they pay for.
“What a fucking loser,” said one person in his department.
“He’s making the rest of us look bad. Doesn’t he understand that he works for the Queensland Government, not Clayton Utz or another one of those robot factories. He doesn’t actually have to do anything if he doesn’t want to,”
“Even our boss told us to take the full ten over Easter. Fuck, he even said he didn’t want to see us until at least May! But not David, the fucking Nigel!”
Our reporter asked why David felt compelled to keep working over the break when the rest of his department decided to dig themselves deeper into credit card debt, with the advice from their dust-covered copy of the Barefoot Investor going unused – and what he told The Advocate was chilling.
“I’ve got nothing better to do and I actually kind of enjoy my job,” he said.
“At night, I’ve got a few games of Rome: Total War lined up with some friends from overseas. I might go and play squash. Who knows?”
“I’ve got half a pound of that sticky shit in the laundry cupboard and my housemates will be out of town – so I might just put on some Nigella and eat pop tarts on the couch,”
“Easter is my oyster.”
More to come.