ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
It was Kevin Rudd who declared that “any asylum seeker who arrives in Australia by boat will have no chance of being settled in Australia as refugees.”
Then it was Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull’s mutant government that made good on that promise. Now it’s this government that’s making sure the taxpayer is taking millions of dollars out of the national ATM as a cash advance and throwing that advance in the bin.
This government is still spending upwards of $30 000 per day keeping a Tamil family of four from Biloela on Christmas Island.
Today, Kokilapathmapriya Nadesalingam (known as Priya) was medievac’d from the Christmas Island Detention Centre to Perth to receive medical treatment after spending two weeks in the centre’s infirmary.
That expense is an essential one, according to the Government.
Speaking to The Advocate today via our sanitised company iPhone, which has been tied inside a blue-label Ansell condom, Scott Morrison explained that his government is simply following the law.
“As I said last year, I wish I never had to reopen Christmas Island,” he said.
“But the law is the law, this isn’t a Liberal Party policy. This is a Labor Policy. There’s also no negotiating with the mango-headed lunatic I’ve got as my Home Affairs minister. It’s pretty much up to him, it’s out of my hands,”
“I wish there was something I could do. I wish we could’ve spent the millions of dollars elsewhere, like providing remote communities with a standard of healthcare seen in the developed world. I really do. But my hands are tied,”
“The most important thing your readers need to take out of this article is that it’s not my fault. It’s Kevin Rudd’s fault. My heart goes out to them.”
The Advocate reached out to the Home Affairs Office for comment but was only sent another lot of strange talcum powder samples that make your cough a lot.
More to come.