An uncharacteristically morose mood has settled over the Harkins household this week after dad Martin was forced to peel off the iconic ‘Live Laugh Love’ stickers from the wall of the lounge room in preparation for an impending repaint.
“I just don’t know how I feel about this renovation,” said a listless Kelvin, 14.
“Or anything really. I just feel so drained and emotionless. I need to play some Evanescence just to feel anything these days”.
Mum Michelle says she also can’t explain the suddenly gloomy atmosphere. “I don’t know what’s going on round here” she said, as she boiled a pot of unflavoured gnocchi for dinner.
“I feel like I’ve lost my mojo or something. For last night’s dinner I made cheese on toast. Dessert was toast on toast. I just don’t care anymore”.
Only Martin seems to have linked the poor morale to the ongoing renovation.
“Everyone’s been really down lately. Maybe it’s all the drop sheets or something. I need to get all the paint on the wall and finish up this weekend. I’ve got three tins of ‘Oyster Puke’ and the feature wall over there is going to be ‘Harpsichord Rampage’. And I need to get one of those stupid mural sticker things again too. Everyone seems to be forgetting to live, laugh and love these days; they could use the inspiration. I wonder if you can get Live Laugh Love Lapdance. Might look into that”.