Local Territoryman Cobra Henderson is currently enduring splitting headache and a chest full of horrors over his drunken behaviour, after a big night of the piss in the Top End.
“Eight Hours at Shenannigans will do it” says Cobra, as he massages his sweet-soaked temples.
“Crikey we gave it a nudge”
“Who knows what I said, who knows who I ran into. It was an old fashioned tear. And Shags is the best place for that”
As one of the over 132,000 tropical beings that calls the Northern Territory capital home, Cobra knows all too well that things can get a bit overexcitable in the dry season.
“We don’t get a winter” he says.
“We just go mad”
“Every day is a good day for pint unfortunately”
As he begins dwelling on the sheer pain and personal anguish he has now forced upon himself, Cobra knows there’s only one out of this.
“I’m off to the markets for a Darwin Berocca” he says.
Cobra is of course referring to the much loved Mary’s Laksa – a sinus-cleansing combination of noodles with local staples like chillies and coconut milk.
“Gotta blast the rust off” he says.
“Save me Aunty Mary!”