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A local husky has this week absolutely titilated his owners, by using his impressive vocal skills to express how much he fucking hates the heat, and to query why they thought it was a good idea to bring a dog that’s best suited to the snow to the blistering hot town of Betoota Heights.

Making the rounds on social media, Duncan the husky can be seen pacing around his uncovered backyard and letting out a series of woeful howls, and at one point, staring directly into the camera with an expression that can be best described as ‘fuck you.’

The Advocate speaks to his owner, Dana Mitchell, to learn more:

“He’s always been a talkative dog, but this heatwave has really brought out his inner drama queen,” Dana laughed. “We do everything we can to keep him cool, but sometimes you just have to let him vent.”

Dana has since been able to capitalise on the husky’s suffering as a way to go viral, by making an Instagram page for ‘Grumpy Duncan’ – which is already at a whopping 125,000 followers!

“People love it, and we’re already getting so many brand endorsements!”, says Dana, “I’m thinking of starting a Grumpy Duncan merch line soon.”

“I reckon the next video will really pop off though. He asks me to spare him from this hellscape, and to please leave some of my chocolate on the patio next time.”

“What a drama queen.”


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