ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

French Quarter resident and self-proclaimed progressive, Tarquin Clarke, admitted he would happily let U.S. President Joe Biden run the US Government but wouldn’t trust him to drive his kids to school.

Clarke, a father of two and an active member of the Betoota progressive community, shared his thoughts during a recent neighbourhood gathering of likeminded individuals. While discussing the upcoming U.S. election and global political leadership, Clarke’s comment drew laughter and nods of agreement from fellow parents.

“Look, I respect Biden’s policies and leadership. He’s experienced, knows how to handle international relations, and has a steady hand on the wheel of the nation. But put him behind the wheel of my Tesla Model Y, with my kids in the back? I don’t think so,” Clarke said, chuckling.

“He’s the best chance we have in making sure stupid Cheeto man doesn’t get back in power!”

This sentiment, while light-hearted, echoes a broader discussion about age, competence, and trust in leadership. At 81, Biden is the oldest sitting president in U.S. history, a fact that has sparked both admiration for his stamina and concern about his ability to handle everyday tasks.

Clarke elaborated to our reporter, who was also at the meeting of cultural shitebags as he is one himself.

“It’s not just about Biden. It’s about anyone in that age bracket. My own dad’s 78, and I love him, but I wouldn’t want him driving my kids around our busy streets either. It’s a different kind of responsibility. What if he ran over a kid?”

“Running a government is much different. Joe is good at that, as we’ve seen. He can leave the driving to someone else.”

Tarquin’s father, Peter, has worked as an oil & gas executive for his entire career. He successfully lobbied the Howard Government to allow exploration and drilling of fossil fuels in Bass Strait and the Timor Sea. His opinions are different.

“A president should be able to catch a sharp ball in gully, they should be able to reverse park,” he said.

“That’s just my opinion.”

More to come.


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