For ex-Prime Ministers of Australia, job opportunities are as plentiful as they are rewarding with many choosing to be a foreign diplomat or full time rich person.

With this logic in mind, it is difficult to understand why former PM Kevin Rudd was spotted fraternising with Melbourne Sudanse gangs according to Sky News commentator Andrew Bolt.

Bolt claims to have spotted Rudd playing handball with a group of young Sudanese men in North Melbourne while doing a ‘spot-the-teddy bear’ walk with a toy baby he nicknamed ‘Baby Greta.’

“It is disgusting that a former Prime Minister would hang out with people like this,” stated Bolt, catching his excess saliva in a shot glass he would later put for sale on Discord.

“These gangs are a real danger and now they have a leader from the radical left.”

Bolt then outlined how Rudd then loudly discussed evil plans to push over bins, graffiti a public toilet and maybe wee in a letterbox or two.

“He wants to loiter around the golf course, at night of all times! Tell the wife and kids to clamour into the bathtub and wait because this will be violent and horrendous.”

“Then [Rudd] just lent his head back, closed his eyes and laughed and laughed. It was really scary. And the other gang members they just joined in because they don’t understand that this behaviour is very unAustralian.”

At the time of writing none of Bolt’s story has been confirmed including when he said pushing a bin over for a laugh was unAustralian behaviour. 

Bolt is adamant what he saw is real and has nothing to do with a “failed petition” that he “hasn’t even heard of.”


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