ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The city of Launceston has issued a public plea to visitors, particularly those from the mainland, asking them to stop feeding McNuggets and other fast food to the beloved Japanese macaques at City Park.

The plea comes after a spate of incidents where the monkeys were fed McNuggets, a processed chicken snack from McDonalds, prompting the local government to take action.

Assistant Deputy Mayor Councillor William William expressed growing concern over the health of the macaques, particularly the patriarch of the group, who has suffered significantly from the unhealthy treats.

“Our oldest macaque, Mr Jiggles, who has been elected Mayor on previous occasions and has been symbol of this city for years, recently had to undergo a quadruple bypass and now has a pacemaker,” he said.

“It’s not funny. It’s a direct result of the junk food being fed to him by tourists.”

The Japanese macaques, a fixture of City Park since 1980, are crucial to Launceston’s local economy, attracting dozens of tourists annually.

The macaques generate considerable revenue, boosting local businesses, cafes, and hotels. The Tasmanian Government estimates the miniature primates contribute over $600 annually to the local economy.

“Our macaques are not just a local treasure, they’re an economic lifeline,” Cr William said.

“We have a responsibility to protect them, not just for their sake, but for the community that benefits from their presence. Feeding them McNuggets is not a way to show love—it’s endangering their lives. Mr Jiggles’ prognosis is not good.”

More to come.


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