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To the untrained eye, the giant red flag on Marcus Wallace’s cubical wall would seem a bit
All of us are familiar with motivational posters and their role in keeping workplace morale up. How when the times are especially tough, just a quick glance up at the wall will give you the fuel you need to finish the project.
However, none of the 49-year-old’s coworkers know that while it is motivational to a point, the ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ flag on Marcus’ wall is a display of his love for Liverpool Football Club.
“It’s nice of Marcus to put his motivational flag up so we can all see it,” said one coworker who spoke to The Advocate anonymously.
“But it’s a bit hectic, don’t you think? Like I get strong Batman vibes from it,”
“Like ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone in Gotham City!’ or something like that. What’s with the roadrunner bird thing?”
Our reporter told them that it was actually the motto, or something to that effect, of the Liverpool Football Club in England.
“Oh,” they said.
More to come.