![burn out](https://www.betootaadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/burn-out.jpg)
A legendary local man has today done a burnout after being asked.
In what is often viewed as a bit of a treat in small towns and suburban outskirts around the country, local community man Eric (31) didn’t even hesitate to drop it, when a bunch of local townie kids yelled at him from the school bus.
As the nation’s truckies gradually respond less and less to kids doing the ‘honking’ hand sign, and coppers and firies are even less likely to bung on the siren just for the fuck of it – Eric’s illegal behaviour comes as a refreshing and heartwarming change for the children from Betoota City Limits Primary.
Local kid, Timmy (10) says that all he had to say was “oi do a burnout” – before the local landscaper absolutely lit it up.
“It was a real smoke show”
“I think he did it in like third, because it was loud as. So sick”
While the teachers present on the school excursion appeared less than impressed by their students interactions with the local degenerate, the bus driver (Kenno, 68) says he thought it was grouse.
“Good to see a few blokes still treatin’ their commodores like commodores in this day and age” said Kenno.
“Sends a real good message to these young ones”