James Stewart had been grocery shopping at his local Woolies when he experienced a sudden anxiety attack.

The successful lawyer turned entrepreneur turned philanthropist had recently celebrated his 25th birthday and was worried that he hadn’t accomplished much in life.

“It was quite harrowing,” says James, “One weekend I was walking my dog around New Farm Park, the next I was sitting at home, comparing my LinkedIn profile.”

James considered seeing a therapist about his concerns but figured bleaching his hair would be cheaper and more effective.

“I’d been thinking about it for a while now, and if I don’t like it I can just dye it back, right?”

“Honestly I’m torn between trying to reclaim my youth or just accepting the fact that I’m an adult now,” says James, “I even considered trading in my Mini Cooper for a Subaru.”

On a brighter note, being reminded of his fading youth has encouraged James to adopt a healthier lifestyle and a more positive mindset.

“I’ve decided to embrace fitness a bit more so I’ve signed up to my local Crossfit gym. I also do small things like using a standing desk at work, taking the stairs instead of an escalator, or just walking really fast.”

James has since unfollowed Instagram pages that don’t ‘grow’ him and has thrown out all of his H&M clothing in an attempt to be more sustainable. Though bleached hair doesn’t fit in with this new lifestyle, James insists it’s his way of ‘starting over.’

“I’m fine, honestly, I wish people would stop asking,” insists James, “I just needed a change.”

James’s new do has been met with some mixed reactions but he claims that people ‘just need time to get used to it.’

“Look, it’s a bit brassy but I think it’ll be okay once I run some toner through it.”


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