EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A local woman burnt out by dating apps has now come up with a efficient system of screening her dates, which will ensure she’s able to quickly glean red flags, it’s reported.

Sick of getting invested in blokes only to find out they’re fuckboys later down the track, Anne Howard, 33, says this new method should allow her to figure out if someone is looking for a fling, with one simple request – show us your Instagram explore page!

Chatting to our reporter Effie, Anne explains why she thinks this trend should catch on.

“I straight up do it on the first date”, explains Anne, “and it’s worked really well for me so far.”

“if they don’t want to show you, that’s a big no no.”

“And if you can see them refreshing the page hoping for a better result, that’s also not good.”

Anne says she’s already crossed off two blokes for having a concerning ‘explore’ page, that featured nothing but bikini models and fucked up reels.

“Now I’m going on a third date with a really nice fella.”

“His explore page was photos of hamsters with massive balls and Shrek memes.”

“That’s a huge green flag to me.”

More to come.


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