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Betoota Heights computer enjoyer Liam Carter has found himself pondering one of his life’s great mysteries this week. Why he’s never once seen his old man without a beard.

Liam says the thought came to him while scrolling through some family photos.

“I was looking through the albums and, mate, not a single photo of Dad clean-shaven. Not one,” he said told The Advocate inside the City Express Gym sauna this morning.

“I’ve known the bloke my whole life and I don’t even know what his face looks like. It’s a bit weird when you think about it. I mean, I’ve seen pictures of him as a kid and he looks like a kid.”

However, the real reason for the 27-year-old’s father’s lifelong dedication to facial hair is much simpler.

Liam’s dad, Trevor, suffers from genetic Non Mentum Nunc Barbatum or in layman’s terms, common chinlessness.

“I reckon it’s just his look,” said Liam.

“Maybe he’s just really into beards. Like, a lot of older blokes have them, don’t they?”

Trevor, however, isn’t quite as philosophical. The 68-year-old spoke to The Advocate in the City Express Gym hydrotherapy pool a short time ago.

“Mate, I grew this beard when I was 18 and never looked back,” he said,

“You gotta work with what you’ve got.”

When asked if he’d ever consider shaving it off, Trevor laughed.

“Not a chance. What, so I can look like a thumb? No thanks, mate.”

More to come.


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