ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A large fireball was observed over southern parts of the nation’s night sky earlier this week, which was later discovered to be a meteor.

However, it unfortunately burned up in the Earth’s atmosphere before it had a chance to put an end to humanity.

Speaking to The Advocate this morning, Lewis Duran from the Bureau of Meteorology said that while the planet is in dire need of a near-extinction event, it sadly won’t happen soon.

“We were hoping it’d land in Queensland and blow the state into the Coral Sea but unfortunately, it broke up over the Bight and that was all she wrote,” he said.

“Nevertheless, we live in hope that one day a meteor will make it’s way through the Earth’s atmosphere and kill us all in some sort of horrific post-apocalyptic disaster,”

“Or, at the very least, a meteor will land in a real banjo part of Queensland, somewhere far less cosmopolitan than Betoota, and instantly vaporise them. Hell, if it lands on the Bruce Highway, it wouldn’t even make a dent in the road surface.”

Mr Duran said he didn’t know when the next meteor is due to visit this hell rock but he’ll keep us in the loop.

More to come.


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