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A Betoota Heights pizza delivery driver has revealed to The Advocate today that his employer has been paying part of his wage in garlic bread for years and he can’t understand why people are so shocked by it.
Darryl O’Toole has been delivering pizzas on and off for nearly a decade and has known the whole time that he wasn’t being paid his super.
The Gooch Tickle Pizzeria on Hinze Link Road is a Betoota Heights establishment that’s enjoyed generational patronage from the area.
Earlier this week, it was revealed by an out-of-town newspaper that our town’s pizza magnates, Brett Gooch and Kevin Tickle, have ripped off a number of employees and not paid their super.
Gooch hit back, telling the Tax Office that most of his workers are backpackers completing their regional work and would rather get their super contributions as food or soft drinks.
Never the less, Darryl is now at the centre of a media storm.
He knows he’s going to have to work until he collapses and dies walking half a dozen meat-lovers up someone’s driveway and he ‘doesn’t give a shit.’
But he draws the line at not being paid overtime, which happened once two years ago.
“I noticed Brett and Kevin had skimped on my overtime during the mad Christmas New Year rush a couple years back,” he said.
“So I went into the office and ask them. They pretty much told me I was full of shit and to get back to work. So I went down to the mechanics on Walsh Street and told them what happened and they gave me a pot of DOT4 brake fluid to throw on their cars,”
“Up I trotted back to the pizzeria and I threw the brake fluid on their cars and watched the paint flake off before my eyes. I also kicked the side mirrors off because one of the mechanics said Audi mirrors are worth thousands. I jumped on them to make sure they were proper fucked,”
“Anyway, the boys come out and see the utter state of their motor cars and they’ve asked me if I saw who did it. I said, ‘Yes,’ and they said, ‘Well fucking tell us, mate,’ and I said ‘Only if you pay my overtime,’ and they said, ‘Yeah righto fuck head who was it?’ and then I said, ‘It was fucking me, cunt. Pay me my money or I’ll come back with a funnel and a length of gaffa tape and make you fat pair of fucks drink the shit that did this to your fucking cars. I’m fucking wild, you fucking cunts, pay me my fucking money. The cops will have to fucking shoot me to get me off you fucking cunts, pay me my fucking money!’ and then they pretty much told me to calm down and I got the money in cash right then on the spot,”
“You just need to be firm with your employers and you’ll get what you want most of the time.”
More to come.