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A woman who used to have a penchant for visiting her doctor over every ache and boo boo has found herself miraculously cured of her hypochondria over the past couple of years, after the number of bulk billing doctors in her area continued to dwindle.

Having been diagnosed with OCD and general anxiety, Hannah Wells admits she was quite the frequent visitor at her local clinic, saying that she was permanently convinced she either had diabetes, Chrohn’s disease or the big C.

However, now with the cost of living crisis and rise of private billing, Hannah simply cannot afford to be a hypochondriac anymore.

“I limit my doctor visits around my script renewals”, says Hannah, “so I try and bank things up.”

“Last time I went, I managed to get a chest infection the same week I needed to renew my script.”

“Pretty lucky if you ask me.”

Pointing to a large lump in her neck, Hannah says stuff like that would have worried her a lot in the past.

“But now, I can’t afford to be worried!”

More to come.


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