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Though celebrating an important age milestone with family and friends should be a happy occasion, local woman Darby Sloane, 29 finds herself facing a potentially disastrous scenario which may forever impact the way people see her.

The dreaded merging of friendship circles.

Turning 30 in roughly three weeks time, Darby explains that she had no choice but to invite everyone, which means the pack of freaks she’s kept hidden in her back pocket are about to meet her cool new city friends.

And boy, do her home town mates have a lot of funny stories they can tell.

“Look, it might be the Leo in me, but I tend to show a different side of myself depending on who I’m with”, explains Darby, “I’m a friend group chameleon.”

“My city friends know me as the ‘well read, educated, political’ Darby.”

“The ‘Darby that likes brunches and trivia and going to indie gigs’.”

“Not the ‘sold drugs behind the cinema and participated in a devil’s threesome’ Darby.”

Looking very visibly stressed, Darby says that asking her old mates to keep silent would likely just encourage them to reveal more.

“I’m fucked either way.”

More to come.


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