ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
People around the country have looked on with amusement this week as Sydney unveiled its latest piece of private public infrastructure that has made life harder for everyone who has to use it or live in the immediate vicinity.
Successive Coalition governments have earmarked billions of dollars for the WestConnex programme and the Rozelle Interchange, the latest section of the intergenerational infrastructure project to be completed, opened earlier this week and created utter chaos.
While the debacle it created was seemingly unexpected by the NSW Government and local residents, the rest of the country knew better.
Brisbane man Clem Carmichael told The Advocate that this is just another example of Sydney out Sydneying itself again and was to be expected.
“Oh mate, that place is a rabbit warren,” he said.
“There’s shit everywhere. Water, people, heritage architecture. In Brisbane, we bulldozed much of our heritage architecture and we’ve never looked back. If we want to build a highway anywhere, we just build it. We want to build a tunnel, we just build it,”
“It’s got me fucked how they can spend all that money and come up with something that’s not only completely fucked but only serves to generate revenue for private equity. It’s not like they’ve done it one, either.”
Adelaide woman Reece Roger agrees.
“Look at that silly tunnel they built under the city. My friend said they only built it so yuppie parents in the inner west would have an easier school run taking their kids to their elite private school in the eastern suburbs – that their parents are paying the fees for,” she said.
“As far as I’m concerned, the last piece of public infrastructure they built that was entirely in the public interest was the Anzac Bridge. That light rail they did, we went to Robbie Williams the other weekend in Sydney. What a piece of shit it is. 40 minutes from our hotel in Circular Quay to the SCG. Someone should go to jail for building that,”
“This is what corruption does to a state, I guess.”
More to come.