ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
The much-needed upgrades to the NBN are underway now that Rupert Murdoch has given them the green light.
Some ten years ago, the media magnate enlisted the help of the then Coalition government to dismantle and sabotage the original fiber-to-the-home plan under the first Rudd Government.
This happened because News Corp was lagging behind on their streaming service offerings. While they still had much of the market share on the coaxial cable technology, it was clear that they’d backed the wrong technological horse.
So for the past ten years, the Australian taxpayer has been repeatedly lied to by the likes of Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison – who all said that their ‘cheaper and more time effective’ copper wire plan was adequate enough for the nation’s needs moving forward.
But now that Murdoch and News Corp have caught up with their streaming service offerings, Kayo, Binge and Foxtel Go, he feels that his company is well-placed enough to finally give the green light to upgrade.
The net result of this action is that the taxpayer has largely wasted $50b and ten years of time.
The Advocate reached out to News Corp for comment but we’re told we wouldn’t be getting one.
The Office of the Prime Minister said they had more important things to worry about, like creating jobs and not engaging in partisan politics.
More to come.