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After copping some major backlash for reversing the government’s hybrid work policy, NSW premier Chris Minns has now decided to soften the blow by promising all female public servants a daily 3pm ‘sweet treat’, should they return to the office full time, it’s reported.

Last week, it was learned that the secretary of the Premier’s department sent a directive to all departments outlining that all public service employees were to return to working ‘principally in an approved workplace’, if they had been logging their jobs from a remote location.

This is set to affect thousands of employees across the state, who have chosen to work remotely due to needing flexible work requirements, such as workers with caring responsibilities, or those trying to avoid a long commute as the cost of living crisis pushes more people out into the suburbs.

Though Minns hasn’t shown signs of repealing these changes, he has offered a compromise to female public servants, who may be disproportionately affected, given that the majority of caring responsibilities tend to fall on women – by offering them a nice little 3pm sweet treat!

“I noticed a lot of the female staff members would duck out of the office in the afternoon, and return with some biscuits or chocolates to share with the office”, says Minns, “which led me to learning about this whole ‘3pm energy dip’ thing.”

“So now, as part of their contract, every female public servant will be eligible for a daily chocolate, doughnut (plain cinnamon) or a mini cupcake a day.”

“No almond croissants though”, he laughs, “I’m no Rockefeller.”

More to come.


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