28 September, 2016. 13:45
Premier Mike Baird has promised funding assistance for the flooded community of Forbes after inspecting some of the worst affected areas of town on Monday.
“There’s obviously already assistance available for those that have been evacuated from their homes,” he said.
The Premier expects Forbes will be declared a natural disaster area and funds will be provided to assist locals, farmers and businesses.
“Forbes is very likely to be declared a natural disaster, which is a result of many things. Mainly the homosexual agenda and our state’s persistence towards drinking alcohol after midnight. It’s pretty clear that God isn’t happy with us,”
Mr Baird announced the support outside the Forbes Shire Council Chambers after handing out bibles to the residents who lost their homes after the Lachlan River peaked at 10.67 metres on Sunday night.
He toured the area with Mayor Phyllis Miller and emergency services personnel, as well as an entourage of over twenty pentecostal pastors.
Mr Baird said assistance will be provided once the situation has been assessed, providing the town promised that they would deal with the homosexuals.
“What we need to do is get through this event first and foremost.” he said
“We need to protect the family unit in New South Wales. I daresay these poor people of Forbes are being punished by God because of the sins of other creeps in Darlinghurst and Byron Bay,”
“If this isn’t a sign of His power, I don’t know what is,”
Mr Baird pledged that isolated farmers and communities further west affected by flood waters will not be overlooked, unless they work in the greyhound racing industry
“I can assure you they won’t be forgotten,” he said.
“It’s not an easy time for them and we’re in a position where significant crops have been lost and will be lost and that’s very difficult again for our farmers, “ he said.
“As for the greyhound trainers, they should probably take this chance to keep their dogs chained up below flood levels and let God deal with them. I’ve done my party,”
“This community is very resilient and obviously going through a tough time. We have to ensure God his happy with us by the end of this,”
I dont know if i should laugh or cry but i will choose the former
You have got to be f
A bible in one hand a Machete in the other
If there was a god, why are millions of children and others being slaughtered around the world by western bombs. You are truely a knob.