ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Drivers in New South Wales will now face fines for picking their noses behind the wheel as the government rolls out new random detection cameras across the state.

The initiative, called “Operation Clean Up” is designed to catch and penalise drivers for what authorities are calling a distracting and unhygienic habit.

“These cameras are about road safety,” a Transport Department spokesperson said.

“Nose-picking is a distraction that puts everyone at risk. Especially if you hit a rich vein.”

The cameras will be installed in random locations and will automatically issue $457 fines and two demerit points to offenders. The move adds to the growing list of offences NSW drivers must be wary of, including mobile phone use and failing to stop completely at stop signs.

Despite criticism from some motorists, the government is firm in its approach.

“We’re here to ensure everyone focuses on the road, not on their nasal hygiene,” the spokesperson added.

“The previous Coalition government knows how good it tastes to eat a crispy booga. We don’t feel the same way.”

As the first fines start to roll in, it appears that guilt-free nose-picking behind the wheel in NSW is officially off-limits.

More to come.


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