BLAK, LOUD AND PROUD: Betoota’s local rec centre was visited by some of Australia’s highest ranking Olympic delegates today.

The scouts had gathered at the Betoota pool to witness Australia’s most talented amateur sportsmen flex their unsung abilities from the ten metre.

Surprisingly, this was not a sanctioned competition, but instead, a NAIDOC family day where dozens of kids were seen performing the dives that most people would spend ten years training for.

“These Murri kids have been going for hours” said one scout.

“The fact that it’s the middle of winter shows serious dedication” said another.

Over 20 youths were seen one-upping each other off the tenner at the family fun day, with some as young as 7 years old performing gainers and screw-drivers.

“What’s really impressive is their ability to continue to up the ante on each dive.” said the IOC representative.

“It’s that type of X-factor that wins medals,” explained one selector.

Local Indigenous community members say that when word got out that ‘talent scouts’ were attending the NAIDOC event, many had assumed it was for the AFL or NRL.

“We’ve never had diving scouts come through.” Said Norra (77) a local elder.

They must be wanting to put a good show on at the Brisbane games”

“If they think this is good, wait til Christmas”

One of the swimming pool’s greatest prospects is Royboy (10), a local amateur dwho scouts believe could be a future world beater.

Royboy is known for a seemingly never-ending endurance and the ability to perform dives that even veterans would struggle with. The caveat? He will only do the dives if he’s ‘dared’ to.

“He might be a bit too young for Paris but we’ve already made preparations for Royboy to attend the upcoming youth Olympics” said the official.

“We have a member of the committee dedicated to Royboy, each time he’s up for a dive, he’s told that it’s a dare.”

“It’s foolproof really. I just saw him nail a quintuple backflip into a ten degree pool”

While this brand of sports psychology has been labelled as unorthodox by some, Royboy’s sister says the strategy will undoubtably work.

“I always thought he could win a gold medal for being a show off” she says.


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