Local residents have been left bewildered after what they thought was an emergency fire truck roared past a building fire in their neighborhood without even slowing down.

What was already a panicked and chaotic situation was magnified by the fact that the supposed emergency responders to a fire were seen blasting Ke$ha with several girls in their mid 30’s dancing with a topless fireman on the truck’s roof.

Witnesses at the burning building were eager to call attention to the arriving firetruck, waving and pointing towards the giant blaze, only to be ignored. 

Screams of panic were drowned out by the screams of millennial girls queuing up their favourite 2000’s throwbacks as the party fire truck that looks identical to a real fire truck zoomed passed the blaze in spite of the calls for help.

“It was such a relief to see the truck, the fire was starting to grow and there was a real fear it was going to spread to other buildings, we thought we were so lucky that the firetruck came so quickly.” Said Sandra Polley (56) a local resident and witness to the fire.

“Just as we were moving recycling bins to make way for the firefighters, we heard the growing sounds of screams, we thought our worst fears were met and there was actually someone inside the building”

“But then all of a sudden the sounds of Tiktok by Ke$ha came on and the screams only got louder.”

“Then we saw a topless fireman on top of a truck waving his shirt at us with a big smile. Honestly, everyone on the road thought they were in some sort of a fever dream” Sandra recounted.

The firetruck that panicked residents saw was actually an elaborate party truck for a hens night, and not a lifesaving rescue service.

Stefano De Rosa (33) a male stripper on the party firetruck, says the situation has happened before.

“All you can do is dance and smile for the people, when I see a fire and people panicking, I make a point to do my best moves and give everyone a nice smile to uplift the vibe.”

“It’s the least I can do for my community as a male stripper fireman”


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